Friday, October 28, 2016

Dufty Raises How Much Cash for His BART Campaign?

I recently erred when I said the Department of Elections was sharing disclosure forms on their site from my opponents. In fact, the department's site only mentions that the forms are on file and how to obtain them.

That is why, after making a request for Bevan Dufty and Gwyneth Borden's Form 460 disclosures today and receiving them quickly from the department's campaign services director, the terrific public servant Gregory P. Slocum, I've posted Bevan's filing here.

Gwyneth hasn't submitted her Form 460 yet. When she does, I'll share it.

Bevan has raked in $85,000 so far and spent $39,000, the largest expense was for the consulting services of Terris, Barnes & Walter.

That's a nice chunk of change to raise for a position that pays nothing, but each BART director receives a monthly stipend of $1,500.

There is no Form 460 for my campaign since I'm not raising funds. Vote for zealous Petrelis!

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