SF Rally For Iranian Democracy, 6 pm Tonight,
At Union Square - Wear Lime Green
Look what happens when you email lots of people about a solidarity action happening in your area for Iranian protesters and democracy. You sometimes find what you're looking for. From SFist.com:
Hey there, did you know Iran is having some sort of brouhaha, and Twitter will single-handedly bring democracy, sunshine and gumdrops to the nation? Or something like that? Anyway, reader and activist Michael Petrelis writes SFist to ask the following. Ahem:I'll be there, wearing a long, lime green scarf I snapped up at a thrift store yesterday. Hope to see you tonight at Union Square.Please don't tell me SF ain't planning nothing over the Iranian election. Are you aware of any solidarity stuff and will you post info; where, when, etc?[snip]
Also, on June 19 there will be a San Francisco fundraiser for Gay Iraqi refugees, who are being systematically murdered by the government. And there will be cosmo and martini specials too!
It's in the Castro at Cafe Flore, Friday, June 19. Go here for further details.
Update:There will be a demonstration tonight at 6 p.m. - 9 p.m., San Francisco Union Square.
Here is a posting about the rally from the Young Persian Professionals Facebook page.
UPDATE [No. 2]
Check out my photos from the rally. Click here to view them.
This is a great idea. But, shouldn't we follow the President example and not meddle with the elections in another country?
@anon - About half the country didn't vote for the President, and a lot of the rest of us are wishing we hadn't. We're under no obligation to follow his example on anything, particularly something where he's dead wrong. This is a free country (unlike Iran) and the President serves us, not the other way around. This was a chance for Obama to take a strong stand for freedom and democracy in the Middle East, and he chose to vote "present" instead. Again. If there's one thing the left, the center and the right in this country should be able to come together on, it's the idea of free, fair elections.
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