March on DC Organizer Lacks Email?
I sent a note yesterday to Torie Osborn, a key architect of this October's march on Washington for gay egos, er, rights, and the email was sent to the only addy I could locate for her.
As anyone who has visited the one-page National March for Equality's web site knows, there's no contact info for any of the organizers of this march. One might get the sense that the organizers don't have their act together, in terms of utilizing the web to pull off their fall event.
While it doesn't surprise me that Osborn doesn't want to receive emails at her place of employment regarding LGBT movement matters, it is shocking that she says she's getting another addy, in order to receive messages about the march without trespassing upon her United Way of LA addy.
Someone might to inform Osborn, and the other march leaders, that there are only four months left until they stage their action, and they might want to tell the community how to contact them, and, what they have to say about the little things needed to pull off the march.
You know, small details like parade and assembly permits, reserving blocks of affordable hotel rooms, setting up community housing on couches and in college dorms, how low-income folks are supposed to acquire the funds to be there in October, if Congress and President Obama will be in town, if any national or DC-based LGBT groups are on board, if there are any local organizing committees and how to contact them, who among the leadership will deliver the LGBT "I Have a Dream" speech, etc.
Here's Osborn's message:
-----Original Message-----
From: Torie Osborn
To: mpetrelis@aol.com
Sent: Mon, 8 Jun 2009 7:58 am
Subject: RE: Torie Osborn: March on DC; No public meetings neededThis is my WORK email. PLEASE DO NOT SEND EMAILS HERE. In process of getting another email and will let you know.
Torie Osborn
Chief Civic Engagement Officer
United Way of Greater Los Angeles
532 West Sixth Street
Los Angeles, Ca 90017
T: 213-808-6512
F: 213-808-6531
Creating pathways out of poverty and improving the quality of life for all in Greater Los Angeles.
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