100s At SF Solidarity
Rally for Iranian Democracy
With gray skies overhead, at least two-hundred people showed up for the rally early this evening at Union Square. The crowd was primarily made up of Iranian-Americans, with a small number of non-Persians also in attendance.
I wish there had been more of us non-Persians standing in solidarity with these people, gravely worried for friends and family back in Iran, and all fighting for democracy and freedom from theocracy.
But when there was chanting in English, "Where's my vote?," or "No more dictatorship!," I screamed extra loud for all the other San Franciscans, who, I'm convinced were with us in spirit.
Here's are my pics from the rally:

The crowd chants "Where's my vote?"

Another shot of the crowd, chanting in Farsi this time.

People listening to a young Iranian speaker.

The Winged Victory statue in the middle of Union Square.

Ross Mirkarimi, our Iranian-American member of the Board of Supervisors.

This couple asked me not to show their faces, as did many people with signs.

He also feared having his face shown in any photos from the rally tonight.

You can't see the mother of these children, but she smiled as I snapped this photo.

The base of the Winged Victory statue was taped with lots of photos from Tehran.

Lime green is not my color, but I wore it in solidarity with Iranians and their struggle for change.

First gratuitous eye-candy photo.

Second gratuitous eye-candy snapshot.

And my final gratuitous eye-candy photo.
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