After Historic Prop 8 Ruling,
Judge Walker Went to a Nightclub
Judge Walker Went to a Nightclub

The San Francisco Chronicle's longtime gossip columnist Leah Garchik reported yesterday on where Vaughn Walker went the evening of August 4, after he rendered his gay marriage decision of lasting importance:
On Wednesday night, a few hours after his ruling in the Prop. 8 challenge was announced, Judge Vaughn Walker attended Monica Mancini's opening at the Rrazz Room. The judge, who was not introduced and seemed to be unrecognized by other audience members, is a good friend of Mancini's husband/drummer, Gregg Field.
Add this bit of info to the footnotes of the Perry vs. Schwarzenegger lawsuit and the key players in the court room drama, that shed some light on their private lives. FYI, the Rrazz Room is the city's leading nightclub venue for cabaret acts and a wide variety of musical entertainers. I hope the judge enjoyed himself.
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