Sunday, December 16, 2012

Tegucigalpa Gay/Trans March
For Walter Trochez & Democracy

Leaders of three courageous Honduran advocacy groups - Movimiento de Diversidad en Resistencia (Movement for Sexual Diversity in Resistance), the lesbian network Cattrachas, and the AIDS organization APUVIMEH, La Asociación Para Una Vida Mejor de Personas Infectadas/Afectadas Por El VIH-SIDA en Honduras - marked the third anniversary of gay leader Walter Trochez's assassination on December 13 in the capitol of Tegucigalpa.

When Gays Without Borders staged its vigil on the same day at the Honduran consulate in San Francisco, we were unaware of the actions our friends had planned. After emailing contacts in Honduran, I soon received photos, a note of solidarity and thanks, and details of the Tegucigalpa events.

Our Honduran friends shared this message with us, on behalf of APUVIMEH, Cattrachas and the MDR:

"Dear partners in San Francisco and beyond our borders: 

"On behalf of APUVIMEH we would like to express our appreciation for your solidarity in support of the struggle of the members of our LGBTI community in Honduras who have been assassinated and whose cases - in many circumstances - have yet to be brought to justice. 

"Thanks for your solidarity. We know that without support from abroad, our fight would go nowhere. We thank you and ask you to never forget Walter Trochez. 

"As activists from MDR, Cattrachas and APUVIMEH we remain united in sorrow but we remain committed to living in a country that respects our lives and the right to express our sexual orientation and gender identity. 

"A big hug from Honduras!"

Dozens of activists marched in the streets during the daytime wearing colorful masks and clothing, among them elderly women who carried banners and flowers, children with political posters, a good number of transgender people and young men dressed as angels.

This photo illustrates quite clearly the strength in diversity proudly on public display in Tegucigalpa. From the left, it appears a child carries the rainbow flag, next to her are transgender women parading with the light blue, pink and white Trans Flag on a pole.

Three people, including a woman of mature years and dignity, hold up a large memorial placard honoring Trochez, and in front of them is a black youth displaying a big W created out of red fabric, probably symbolizing Trochez's work as an AIDS advocate.

The march stopped for a while at the headquarters of the Public Ministry, the government office that has failed to investigate Trochez's and the murders of nearly one-hundred LGBTI individuals, peasant and labor organizers. Since Trochez's death, activists have staged speak outs at the ministry on the 13th of every month.

Protesters held signs featuring Trochez's young face as a transgender leader gave an interview to a local television station.

A temporary shrine in a public square was created combining lighted candles, a rainbow flag and an enlarged photograph of Trochez, as daylight hours were coming to an end.

Several dozen activists occupied a section of the square as the evening began . . .

 . . . and watched an acrobat played with a metal wheel on fire and balanced on a wire string and entertained the crowd . . .

. . . which had laid a large rainbow flag on the stone plaza, upon which they placed remembrance candles, flowers and a photograph of their absent amigo Walter Trochez.

On behalf of Gays Without Borders in San Francisco, I reiterate our promise to remember Walter Trochez, fight for justice and democracy, and to stand in strong solidarity with the LGBTI, peasant farmer and labor communities in Honduras.

Muchas gracias amigos y amigas of APUVIMEH, Cattracthas and the MDR for sharing your photos and activism with us!

1 comment:

sandra Zambrano said...

saludos desde Honduras
nuestra eterna gratitud por su solidaridad en favor de nuestra lucha en contra de la impunidad por las muertes trágicas de las compañeras y compañeros LGBTI y nuestro amado Walter Trochez que aun nos duele su triste partida...nunca olvidamos su lucha y vivir en un pais mejor ,, que nos llene de condiciones y se nos respeten nuestros derechos..Sandra Zambrano
Activista DD.HH. LGTBI