Thursday, October 27, 2005

Italian News Blogger: New Yorker's George Packer's Democratic Donations

I am pleased to report that an Italian journalism blog site picked up on my research about George Packer of the New Yorker donating to Democrats. As far as I know, not a single U.S. news or blog site has noted Packer's contributions, but I can now say that they are of interest to one Italian writer with a blog. The original posting about Packer's donations, in Italian, follows the rough translation into English.

Translation from the AltaVista site:

>They are waked up to me in the heart of the night. I do not have some particular thought, simply I do not succeed to resume sleep.

>I rethink to that one scoop of blogger, Michael Petrelis, that it would be remained probably confined between some hundred of readers if had not been resumed is from Editor & Publisher is from the Drudge Report. Petrelis has written that Sean McManus, passed from the presidency of the section sport to that one news and of the sport to the Cbs, had given a contribution of 250 dollars in order to support the re-election of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney. The year before, writes Petrelis, McManus honestly had given to thousand dollars like contribution for the senator democratic of the Vermont Patrick Lehay.

>All official data, taken from the Federal Election Commission, from which he turns out also that George Packer, journalist of the New Yorker, have distributed to 1,250 dollars towards associations or candidates legacies to the Democratics. I hope indeed that in the United States he does not only become president of the notiziario of one of the tv more famous because he has uncoupled 250 dollars for the electoral campaign of Bush. It would be indeed sad.

>However Petrelis has reason when it proposes that Cbs and New Yorker perceives viewers and readers of The Manifest the political preferences of one and of the other. I me vergognerei if someone wrote on the newspaper that I have voted to the Primary ones of the Union and have not contributed with a euro to the maintenance of the centrosinistra. I have but the feeling that, in this poisoned climate, other colleagues would pull outside an other list of proscrizione.


The original Italian version:

28 ottobre 2005
Liste di proscrizione

Mi sono svegliato nel cuore della notte. Non ho alcun pensiero particolare, semplicemente non riesco a riprender sonno. Ripenso a quello scoop di un blogger, Michael Petrelis, che sarebbe rimasto probabilmente confinato fra qualche centinaio di lettori se non fosse stato ripreso sia da Editor & Publisher sia dal Drudge Report. Petrelis ha scritto che Sean McManus, passato dalla presidenza della sezione sport a quella news e dello sport alla Cbs, aveva dato un contributo di 250 dollari per sostenere la rielezione di George W. Bush e Dick Cheney. L'anno prima, scrive onestamente Petrelis, McManus aveva dato mille dollari come contributo per il senatore democratico del Vermont Patrick Lehay. Tutti dati ufficiali, presi dalla Federal Election Commission, da cui risulta anche che George Packer, giornalista del New Yorker, ha distribuito 1.250 dollari verso associazioni o candidati legati ai Democratici.

Io spero davvero che negli Stati Uniti uno non diventi presidente del notiziario di una delle tv più famose soltanto perché ha sganciato 250 dollari per la campagna elettorale di Bush. Sarebbe davvero triste. Tuttavia Petrelis ha ragione quando propone che Cbs e New Yorker avvertano telespettatori e lettori delle manifeste preferenze politiche dell'uno e dell'altro. Io non mi vergognerei se qualcuno scrivesse sul giornale che ho votato alle Primarie dell'Unione e ho contribuito con un euro al sostentamento del centrosinistra. Ho però la sensazione che, in questo clima avvelenato, altri colleghi tirerebbero fuori un'altra lista di proscrizione.

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