Tuesday, June 02, 2015

BART's Major Changes Coming to 16th/Mission Plazas

My video complaint to BART in early May about lack of elevator location signage is producing major changes at their transit hub nearest to our apartment, for which I laud the public transit agency. I wonder why the hell BART board of directors member for this hub, progressive gay leader Tom Radulovich, has been on silent regarding improving the hub for handicapped folks, bicyclists and travelers with suitcases and all who need an elevator to access the trains.

BART, in response to my video, has ordered nearly two-dozen signs and will soon install them at the hub. Permanent signage improvements won't happen till 2016, so let's get regular updates from Radulovich about why that work is so far in the future and what exactly he does to engage the users of this hub, and how he works to maintain it.

You may recall my success last year persuading the San Francisco DPW and DPH to steam clean the hub, and my separate accomplishment of getting pigeon spikes installed, to maintain best public health practices protecting the wellness of hub users.

Here's BART letter about the signage matters sent yesterday:

"Dear Mr. Petrelis, I have been awaiting a legal opinion about your complaint to BART on 5/14/2015 regarding the elevator signage at the 16th Street Mission BART station. I have yet to hear back, but wanted to send you an email to let you know what we have been doing.

"[W]e will be making improvements to wayfinding at 16th Street Mission. We have been in preparation to overhaul all signage at the station beginning next year as a part of the 10 station Wayfinding Improvement Phase 3 Project.

"The improvements include removing unneeded existing signage, replacing existing signage with new signage and providing additional new signage at platform, concourse and street levels. Illuminated elevator signs will be provided as a part of this project.

"Since this project is over a year away, we will be adding 21 additional temporary elevator signs within the next month. The signs were ordered this past Friday. They will mirror the plan at the 24th Street Mission BART station. 

"The signs will be in ADA blue and will include universal pictograms with directional arrows, Here is a sample of one of the signs from 24th Street Mission:

"Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or additional comments. Thank you for contacting BART. We appreciate your input.

"Bob Franklin
San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART)
Department Manager, Customer Access and Accessibility Office"

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