Saturday, January 17, 2015

Polk Street Porn Shop Shutters

Another one bites the dust. San Francisco continues to lose commercial venues where men gather for the sexual company of other dudes.

Before you say there is diminishing need for sex clubs, bathhouses or glory hole arcades, allow me to states that not every horny man cruises the web and there is still a large segment of men who need such places.

I was on Polk Street yesterday and noticed the signage over the entrance to what used to be Frenchy's Adult Superstore was gone. Passersby informed me that the shop was emptied of its wares and shuttered in the early days of the new year. A sign in the window read:

"We appreciate your patronage over the 35 operation of this store . . . But that doesn't mean goodbye! Please visit our other locations!"

We'll see if the three other locations manage to stay in business. Support your local sex shop or glory hole today.

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