Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Muni Applying Anti-Bird Gel
at Milk Plaza, Thurs at 9:30 AM

I've been informed by the Castro Benefit District's executive director Andrea Aiello that she's been in touch with the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency about the pooping pigeon problems at Harvey Milk Plaza.

She told me about a bird-repellent gel that is effective at keeping birds away from lamp posts and cable wires, such as the ones at the public plaza at Castro and Market Streets. It's supposed to be as good as wire bird spikes and may do the trick to prevent the pigeons from landing on utility poles, and befouling the plaza named for icon Harvey Milk.

On Thursday, starting at 9:30 AM, a crew from Muni will be at Milk Plaza applying a thick coat of the bird-repellent goop on all the pigeons' landing spot. Should be an excellent opportunity to snap a few photos and witness a giant step forward in removing the healthy hazard of the poop.

As a person with AIDS who wants to see Milk Plaza be as fabulous as possible, which includes community control of the rainbow flag, I want to thank Aiello for spearheading the effort to solve the problem of pigeon's pooping at the plaza.

Maybe the Muni crew in their lift can also remove the disgusting rainbow flag banner, smeared with bird excrement, under lamp. C'mon, this is the plaza named for our hero Harvey and the gayteway to the LGBT Castro. Can our civic leaders finally make the plaza something Harvey and the rest can be proud of?

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