Saturday, November 29, 2008

How Low Were Donations from LA Gay
Center Leaders to No on 8?

Faced with continuing criticism of her inept leadership on Prop 8, LA gay community center executive-director-for-life Lorri Jean has wagged her $277,299 finger at her critics in the community, accusing them of being complacent in not writing big checks, and in the summer months, to the No on 8 campaign.

But what about the donations from Jean and nicely-compensated senior staff? Did they step up to the plate, and in the early part of the summer, to set an example of donating to the No on 8 effort? Judge for yourself:

Lorri Jean, Executive Director
Salary: $277,299
Donations: $2,100, September 15 & October 8

Darrel Cummings, Program Director
Salary: $168,488
Donation: $500, September 18

Elizabeth Meisler, Program Director
Salary: $140,572
Donation: $0

Kathryn Ketchum, Program Director
Salary: $137,550
Donations: $300, August 27 and September 19

Quentin O'Brien, Program Director
Salary: $177,772
Donation: $0

Barton Verry, Program Director
Salary: $117,750
Donation: $3,715.50, August 8 and September 20

Jim Key, Public Info Director
Salary: $100,000
Donation: $100, September 15

Sky Johnson, Public Policy Director
Salary: ??
Donation: $250

The salary figures come from the 2007 IRS 990 filing for the LA gay center, which is not posted on their web site. Lorri Jean makes no effort at being fully and fiscally transparent to the community she serves. However, I've posted the IRS filing here.

If we had any sort of democracy in the gay political movement, we'd be either recalling Lorri Jean and her inept staff, or voting for new leaders to replace them. Alas, just like Vladimir Putin, these folks will be holding onto to their power for a long time.

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