Wednesday, October 26, 2005

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AP: CBS Won't Comment on McManus FEC File

Uh, oh. That's not too smart of CBS to not have a comment about his contributions. He was just exercising his First Amendment rights and giving to the 2004 presidential candidate who best represented his views.

It also would have been nice of the AP to name this blog for breaking news about McManus' donations, and giving credit where to due--to this member of the Pajama Brigade.

In any event, does CBS intend to stay silent for his entire tenure about his FEC file?

October 26, 2005
The Associated Press

[...]Despite the success of the CBS entertainment division, the evening news has lagged far behind NBC and ABC in the ratings. It's the same story in the morning — it has been for decades — although “The Early Show” has shown improvements.

“Maybe it's partially because of my sports background, but I am unbelievably competitive, and so is my boss Leslie Moonves,” McManus said. “Being in third place, whether it's sports, entertainment or news, is not acceptable.”

Only hours after his appointment, a politically oriented Web log reported that McManus had made a $250 (U.S.) contribution to the Bush-Cheney campaign in 2004. A year earlier, he contributed $1,000 to Vermont Democratic Sen. Patrick Leahy. A CBS spokesman confirmed the donations but would not comment about them. [...]

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