Thursday, January 21, 2010

UK Foreign Office Releases
27-Pages on Gay Jamaica

In response to a Freedom of Information Act request I filed in late December with the UK Foreign Office for any files on Jamaican gay issues during 2009, 27-pages responsive to my request were located and released to me.

The pages show how the Foreign Office responded to a handful of queries about homophobia in Jamaica. I was fascinated by the over all quickness of the replies, the strong commitment to work on behalf of global gay issues, and the sharing of the detailed protocols guiding British diplomats in addressing the human rights abuses of gay people.

Click here to read all of the pages released to me, and below is a copy of a letter from the Foreign Office explaining its approach working on behalf of protecting the human rights and security of gay Jamaicans:


Richard Stern said...

Congratulations on your continued efforts on behalf of gays in Jamaica as well as Uganda and other countries. While I had some debates with you about some aspects of the earlier boycott, I really respect your commitment to continuing to support this and other similar causes, even when success seems so difficult to achieve. Unfortunately, most gay men in the USA "are not their brothers keepers" and have little interest in the horrible things that continue to occur against g/l/b/t people in so many countries all over the world. Keep up the good work.
Richard Stern
San Jose, Costa Rica

Unknown said...

hey richard,

thanks much for your praise. i am doing my part to get as many govt documents as possible from jamaica and UK about anti gay violence against gay jamaicans. let's keep spreading the sunshine!