Friday, July 04, 2008

Finally, An HRC Campaign I Support

As a longtime critic of the Human Rights Campaign and its very silly ways, with so little hard accomplishments to show for the almost-$40 million they sucker out of gay donors annually, I shocked to say that on this Independence Day, there is something positive I have to say about HRC.

I really like their new ad campaign for a new line of clothing on a bus shelter at 18th and Castro Streets, the cross-roads of gay America.

Just take a good look at the young, well-built hunks, especially the one showing a large cock-bulge, and tell me the near-porno aspects of the models don't get your sex juices flowing. Can any red-blooded, true-blue gay American male not find such eye-candy objectionable? Of course not, since HRC knows what's best for us politically and this marketing campaign will go far in advancing equal rights and fair laws for LGBT people where HRC carries out the meat of it's agenda -- Capitol Hill.

Oh, sure, a few cranky political activists will say the new HRC campaign does nothing to help defeat ballot measure 8, the November initiative to turn back the gay marriage equality in California. The activists will certainly complain that HRC could be spending its/our gay ad dollars in San Francisco promoting voter registration ads or ads that recruit volunteers and solicit money for the state groups fighting the initiative.

Such activists who want the Democratic Party's gay division to focus more energy and community finances on crucial electoral and political battles, over pouring money into ads that resemble Colt or Falcon porno DVDs, are just being politically correct prudes who simply don't understand the genius strategy HRC leaders have devised for political victory this November and beyond.

The gay community's political dollars are wisely spent giving Castro gay men something they sorely lack -- young male eye-candy on the street. Thanks, Joe Solmonese, for filling the gaping hole in gay male political advocacy and stuffing that hole with imagery advancing equality and fairness.


DavidEhrenstein said...

Are you sure it's for HRC? Looks like an ad for Gossip Girl to me.

Mayor Lurie Calendar said...


Of course I'm sure it's an ad for HRC. It does nothing to advance gay equality, so it has to be from HRC!

Patrick ONeill said...

I dropped my membership last year - what a waste of time and money - and at a time when we really need to be organized and smart

Mayor Lurie Calendar said...


Glad you wised up. I wish more HRC would either leave the group, or force it to put our resources to better use. Might be nice of HRC to finally show up some changes in federal laws and programs that benefit us.