Tuesday, March 04, 2008

DPH 'Bitch' Ad Increases Safe Sex,
With Fewer HIV Infections?

[One of the most offensive and insensitive HIV prevention campaigns launched over the past decade in San Francisco, has never been fully scrutinized and being dumped on the local community. As far as I can tell, DPH has not provided the community with any proof the ad campaign achieved temporary or lasting benefit to good public health. If DPH has any evidence showing epi effectiveness from the "bitch" campaign, I'll either share it here, or link to the data on the DPH's web site.]

Eileen Shields
Public Information Office
Dear Ms. Shields,
More than three years ago the department spent approximately $100,000 on a social marketing campaign directing women and gay men of color to not be "a bitch" when making decisions about HIV prevention, sexual practices and use of condoms.
Since many years have passed since the launch of the provocative and controversial ads run in local media outlets, I hope you can quickly answer these basic questions for me.
1) What were the measurable epidemiological outcomes of the ads?
2) Did HIV testing rates increase?
3) What about HIV infections among women and gays of color? Did their transmission rates decrease?
4) Is there any evidence to show condom usage in the targeted communities went up?
Additionally, I am requesting a copy of the "Don't Be a Bitch" social marketing contract between DPH and the Better World Advertising agency. Please provide me with the contract in electronic format.
I look forward to a prompt reply.
Best regards,
Michael Petrelis

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