[Revised on 12/26/06]
When San Francisco activists use the derisive term "AIDS Inc" to describe the AIDS bureaucracy, it is shorthand for the collection of nonprofit service agencies, the enormous number of DPH AIDS Office staffers, myriad HIV programs at UC San Francisco, and all the outside consultants who advise the many public panels in town set up to deal with AIDS.
AIDS Inc, in the eyes of many PWAs and health advocates, is often seen as devoted more to keeping itself afloat and the executives and staffers working within the group getting good salaries, than to meeting the many needs of PWAs.
And speaking of salaries, a friend, also gay and living with HIV, recently asked me how much a certain AIDS executive director was earning and I told him the figure was over $100,000, which seems to be the creepy norm among top AIDS careerists. My PWA pal was horrified and after he got over his shock, asked me to give a snapshot of currently available information on salaries of key AIDS executives and staffers in San Francisco. I agreed to do this for my friend.
These are the salaries for assorted AIDS executives and leaders in San Francisco, from source materials including IRS 990 filings on GuideStar, articles from the Bay Area Reporter and applications by SF DPH for federal HIV/AIDS dollars.
Some key names are missing from the list, such as Jimmy Loyce, the head of DPH's AIDS Office, and Michelle Long-Dixon, the AIDS Office's director for Ryan White CARE Act funded services. Sunshine Act requests for that information has been requested and once I have their salaries confirmed, I will add the data to this list.
I've said it before, but it needs repeating. These salaries are excessive and come at the expense of unmet needs of PWAs. As the city grapples with new restrictions on federal AIDS housing subsidies, and PWAs in SRO hotels are in jeopardy of losing a roof over their heads during this cold season, we must ask, again, that folks making over 6-figures cut their pay and divert the money to help PWAs keep or get housing.
[UPDATE, revised on 12/26/06]
I've added more names and salaries to this survey, and have also included a few gay/lesbian/bi/trans groups along with some drug and alcohol rehab organizations. Even though the gay and rehab groups don't fully devote themselves to HIV/AIDS issues, they nonetheless have substantial programs that directly impact PWAs or AIDS groups, therefore, I've put them on the list.
Looking over the who makes what, it seems as though the highest paid executive on this list is Chuck Deutschman, the head of Walden House, a large, multipurpose drug rehab/housing/AIDS services/welfare advocacy organization. Deutschman was paid $313,275 in FY04.
And in terms of the highest paid AIDS executive based in San Francisco, not providing direct services to local PWAs, the "winner" is Eric Goosby at the SF AIDS Foundation's affiliated Pangaea Global AIDS Foundation -- he took home $248,242 in FY05. Goosby served as an HIV advisor when Bill Clinton was in the White House.
It really shouldn't come as a shock that Goosby has this distinctive salary status, considering his foundation's parent organization, SF AIDS Foundation, which does offer services to local PWAs, in FY04 paid its then-executive director Lance Henderson $212,565. That makes him the top-dog of this survey.
New names and salaries are sprinkled in among the old list of names.
Here are the numbers:
Private Sector:
AIDS Emergency Fund
Mike Smith, ED
AIDS Emergency Fund
Jeffrey Johnson, Controller
AIDS Legal Referral Panel
Bill Hirsh, ED
API Wellness Center
John Manzon-Santos, ED
Baker Places Housing
Jonathan Vernick, ED
Baker Places Housing
Judith Stevenson, Operations Director
Black AIDS Coalition on AIDS
Perry Lang, ED
California AIDS Intervention Training Center
Pat Norman, ED
Catholic Charities
Brian Cahill, ED
$182,896 (versus SF AIDS Foudation's ED salary of $212,565.)
Total revenue FY 2005: $38.7 million (versus SFAF FY05 revenue of $23 million.)
Catholic Charities
Kimberly Watts, CFO
Continuum HIV Daycare Service
Tiffany Mock-Goeman, ED
Continuum HIV Daycare Services
Laura Thomas, Government Grants Coordinator
Haight Ashbury Free Clinic
Darryl Inaba, ED
Horizons Philanthropic Foundation
Roger Doughty, ED
Horizons Philanthropic Foundation
Julie Dorf, Director of Philanthropy
International AIDS Society
Donna Jacobsen, ED
Larkin Street Youth Services
Virginia Price, ED
Larkin Street Youth Services
Denise Wells, COO
Lyon Martin Women's Health Center
Doretha Williams-Flournoy, ED
Maitri Hospice
Tim Patriarca, ED
Mobilization Against AIDS
Donna Rae Palmer, ED
Native American AIDS Project
Joan Benoit; ED
No IRS 990 available on GuideStar
New Leaf Mental Health
Joseph Neisen, ED
Positive Resource Center
Brett Andrews, ED
Positive Resource Center
Pat Riley, Deputy Director
Project Inform
Martin Delaney, Founding Director
Project Inform
Ellen LaPointe, ED
Project Inform
Brenda Lein, Education Director
Project Inform
Anne Donnelly, Advocacy Director
Project Open Hand
Tom Nolan, ED
Project Open Hand
Antonio Choy-Koo, CFO
Project Open Hand
Robert Brenneman, Development Director
Project Open Hand
Michael Baroman-Coggins, Executive Chief
Project Open Hand
Frank Ladin, Human Resources
Project Open Hand
Artrese Morrison, Volunteer Services
San Francisco AIDS Foundation
Mark Cloutier, ED 2005 - 2006
Lance Henderson, Acting ED 2004 - 2005
$212,565 (versus Catholic Charities' ED salary of $182,896.)
Total agency revenue FY 2005: $23 million (versus Catholic Charities' FY05 revenue of $38.7 million.)
Steven Tierney, Public Policy Director
Daniel Crawley, CFO
Katherine Miessner, Budget Director
Fred Dillion, Policy Director
William Bland, HIV Prevention Programs
Sue Gallego, Client Services Director
SFAF's Pangaea Global AIDS Foundation
Eric Goosby, MD; Chief Medical Officer
$248,242 (versus Catholic Charities' ED salary of $182,896, and versus SF AIDS Foudation's ED salary of $212,565.)
(Comparison of FY 05 revenues: Catholic Charities: $38.7 million, versus SFAF: $23 million, versus $6.2 million for Pangaea.)
SFAF's Pangaea Global AIDS Foundation
Barbara Lawson, Project Director
SFAF's Pangaea Global AIDS Foundation
Rene Durrazzo, International Programs Director
SF G/L/B/T Community Center
Thom Lynch, ED
SF G/L/B/T Community Center
Rebecca Rolfe, Deputy Director
Shanti Project
Kevin Burns
Stop AIDS Project
Robert McMullin, ED
Tenderloin AIDS Resource Center
Tracey Brown, ED
No current IRS 990; Last available year on GuideStar is for 1997
Under One Roof
Mike Marshal, ED
Walden House (FY04 Total Revenue: $41.8 million.)
Chuck Deutschman, CEO
Walden House (FY04)
Brian Greenberg, VP Purchasing
Walden House (FY04)
Larry Nelson, Clinical Services
Walden House (FY05)
No ED or Deputy Director named.
Walden House (FY05)
Daniel Sprague, Database Manager
Walden House (FY05)
Paul Kroeger, Budget Manager
UCSF Sector:
AIDS Health Project
James Dilley, ED
Vacant, Director of HIV Prevention
Tracey Packer, Senior Health Educator
John Melichar, Health Program Coordinator
$106, 696
William Gaitan, Administrative Analyst
Lisa Reyes, HPPC Meetings Coordinator
Michael Paquette, Gay Men's Health Educator
Betty Chan-Lew, Meetings and Management Coordinator
Israel Nieves-Rivera, Health Planner
Vincent Fuqua, Gay Men's Health Educator
Joseph Imbriani, Gay Men's Health Educator
Jenna Rapues, Gay Men's Health Educator
Oscar Mascias, Gay Men's Health Educator
Doug Sebesta, Epidemiologist
Meanwhile, people who are trying to scrape by on a fraction of those salaries are told they earn too much money to qualify for ADAP.
HIV/AIDS in the Asian Region
After 25 years of HIV/AIDS prevention efforts considerable knowledge has been accumulated regarding how the spread of HIV/AIDS can be controlled. It is necessary to block the transmission of the virus by changing the behaviour of people who are most at risk of contracting HIV infection and of transmitting it to others. The main approach to prevent sexual transmission are convincing people to delay or abstain from sex, to have fewer sexual partners and to use condoms in order to reduce the likelihood that sex between an infected and uninfected person will lead to an infection.
HIV/AIDS is not new to the Asia. More than two decades into the epidemic, the situation of HIV within Asia continues to grow at an alarming pace, with one person dying every minute due to an HIV related disease. With moderately 10 Million people living with HIV/AIDS, the impact of the epidemic can be devastating. The “Rainbow Nari O Shishu Kallyan Foundation” identified four major approaches in a groundbreaking study on spread out HIV in Asia. This study undertook by comparing of social-economic norm, family pattern, economic dependency, cause of mounting sex industries, gender discrimination status & global analysis fact. There are four factors that appear to play a crucial role in HIV transmission in Asian countries: Injection/ intravenous drug use (By sharing needle), female sex work (Due to lack of safe sex knowledge), gender discrimination (which indirectly force females commercial or non-commercial sex), Same sex/ homosexually/ Hijara (Due to lack of HIV/AIDS information, because they act invisible in this society). Poverty & illiteracy fueled it proportionally.
Overall, the countries in the region are considered to be in the early stage of the epidemic with the exception of Cambodia, Myanmar and Thailand which are experiencing generalized epidemics—a generalized epidemic is one where 1% of the population are HIV positive. The prevalence is growing in India, Nepal, Bangladesh, China, Vietnam and Indonesia, with epidemics concentrated largely among vulnerable populations such as sex workers, intravenous drug users and men who have sex with men. The bulk of the burden of HIV is on poor people, marginalized communities, the youth and women.
In this region, there are some superstitions about HIV/AIDS. This can be found in other countries too. Suppose, one-third people of China think that by using bathrooms, towels, plates and glasses of AIDS patients, HIV can be infected. Remember, it is not true certainly. The virus has been found in saliva in a small percentage of infected people, but usually this is late in the stage of the disease when you would not expect people to be too sexually active. After HIV enters the body, it attacks the immune system in stages. A person with HIV can infect others once the virus enters the bloodstream.
In the past few decades, the Asia has witnessed unprecedented economic growth and a rise in living standards. However, it has brought to the region disturbing concerns such as increasing levels of economic disparity, income poverty and new forms of deprivation. In addition, challenges such as conflicts, various forms of exploitation and discrimination, and gender inequality continue to mark the region’s socio-economic and cultural landscape. The fact that about 600 million people in the region live on less than US$ 1 a day testifies to the stark reality that a large majority of people in the region are still disempowered, with limited or no access to resources or information that would improve the lives.
Shravea Kumar
Urban Development Center (UDC)
Ahmedabad Gujarat
As a nonprofit professional, I would like to say that although I cannot comment specifically on the merit of any one of these salaries, in general I believe that nonprofits need to compensate their employees well--more in line with for profit agencies. This is important work that they are doing--and they should be rewarded. Often, nonprofit professionals are paid one half of what a comparable job in the for-profit industry would pay. It is not easy to make such a career sacrifice when you are competing in an expensive city with people who make careers in banking, law, business etc. I think it is important to attract smart, talented, dynamic people to nonprofit careers and if the system actually financially penalizes them, it is wrong. Why should the scuzball lawyer or banker get to buy a house and send their children to college but the nonprofit professional destined to a life of financial troubles? Really, I think the same economic system that refuses to value the hard work of nonprofit professionals is the one that also creates such disparity for those struggling with AIDS.
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