Monday, July 16, 2007

Harold Norse, Queer Beat Poet, Marks 91st Birthday Reading His Work

Legendary queer beat poet and writer Harold Norse, who's very much alive and kicking, celebrated his 91st birthday on Sunday at the funky Beat Museum in North Beach. Surrounded by many dear friends and admirers, Norse read from his work, spoke about his Beat life, ate a slice of chocolate birthday cake and signed books for fans. I had never met him so I made sure to get to his party and reading, just to shake his hand and snap some pix of him.

Loud and big thanks to Todd Swindell, Tate Swindell, Mark Vermeulen, Jerry Cimino and the entire staff at the Beat Museum for pulling the event together. Happy 91st birthday, Harold!

Here are a few of my pix:

(The legend, the poet, the queer writer, the man: Harold Norse)

(Harold signing books for a line of fans.)

(Two crotchety, opinionated, veteran queers giving each other the "Yeah, right. Who the hell do you think you are?" look. Harold on the right, yours truly on the left.)

(The super-friendly macho good-guy Jerry Cimino, proprietor of the Beat Museum, after the hordes of Harold's friends had left.)


Glenn Ingersoll said...

Funny typo in the "labels":

Harolad Norse ... sounds sorta Norse legendy.

I, too, enjoyed Norse's reading and am dashing through his memoirs.

Mayor Lurie Calendar said...

Thanks for catching my typo. It's been corrected, as has the spelling of Mark Vermeulen's name.