Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Forwarded Message:
Subj: Re: Target practice = HIV prevention for gay men?
Date: 4/19/2005 11:38:17 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From: rmcmullin@stopaids.org
To: MPetrelis@aol.com
Sent from the Internet (Details)

Mr. Petrelis,

Thank you for your inquiry, and believe it or not, I don't completely disagree with your conclusions about the appropriateness of activities like this. In the best of all possible worlds, all of our activities, whether they are educational or merely social or philanthropic serve us best when they inform people about what Stop AIDS does and what it stands for. Sadly, we don't live in the best of possible worlds, and it isn't always that easy to come up with engaging themes for social events or fundraisers that also relate directly to our programs.

The "Shoot Out" that you reference is primarily just an outing for folks in our community who are HIV positive and for whatever reasons feel isolated and alone. While you and I may not find going to a firing range interesting, my guess is that others must or we wouldn't have arranged this activity. While it may not stop AIDS in any direct quantifiable way, it may help some HIV positive guys feel better about their lives for awhile, and it might even result in their giving more thought to how and where they engage in sexual activity.

It is my belief that people do not lapse into unsafe sexual practices because of apathy or boredom, but because of personal issues that have made them lose hope and perhaps compassion: things like depression,isolation, or substance abuse. If any of our social programs for HIV positive men helps just a few of these guys feel connected and alive again, then I feel we have indeed fulfilled our mission.

While you and I have never met, I am very familiar with your name and your activity in our community. As I am sure you know, many people think you are just a crank who gets some pleasure from being disagreeable about everything. I, however, have long thought that while I find much of what you write to be very provocative and circular in its logic, I am also very conscious of the fact that you always speak from a position of passion and concern for our community and for whether those of us who graze at the community trough are fulfilling our calling to serve with integrity or not. You are like the lonely prophet that we all have read about, warning of doom and destruction if we did not pay attention to the signs of peril. Keep up the good work, Michael. I speak honestly when I say that people like you remind me to think every day about what we are doing and whether we are doing it the right way.


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