Thursday, February 03, 2011

1st Time Ever: Milk Plaza Rainbow Flag,
Half-Mast Tonight for Global Gays/Uganda

Many folks this week have advised me to not confront the Merchants of Upper Market/Castro or their president about their control of the city property at Harvey Milk Plaza, including the rainbow flag and pole. But it just so happened that the goddess provided for me today and I'm very pleased I followed my own drummer.

This morning was the MUMC monthly meeting and I was there to use public comment time to recruit for participants for the 6 pm rally, and to request that they re-consider their policies regarding the flag and who decides when it can be lowered or otherwise adapted.

After the meeting, MUMC's president Steve Adams and I spoke about how ways I want to transform the enormous rainbow flag into a living, breathing, ever-evolving tool for change and solidarity for gay people. He told me about their agreement with the city to maintain and control the plaza, and that he would bring my concerns to his board.

Steve said he would re-think my request to now lower the flag for just the duration of the rally this evening. A short while ago, he phoned and emailed the news that he's agreed to have the rainbow flag fly at half mast tonight. I thanked him for this arrangement and said it much a lot to local activists working on global gay issues, and to gays around the world.

As far as I can determine, the flag has been lowered in recent memory for gay San Francisco police officers and when the California Supreme Court upheld the Prop 8 vote. I fully believe that tonight's lowering of the rainbow flag is the first time ever that this is happening for a global gay issue. One more reason for you to join us tonight. I hope to see you!

Here's the official word:


MUMC will be having the Rainbow Flag at Harvey Milk Plaza lowered to half staff in honor of David Kato and all the other horrendous acts against our community worldwide for one hour this evening from 6 pm until 7 pm Thursday February 3, 2011.

Steve Adams
Merchants of Upper Market and Castro


pike on the go said...

Fantastic, Michael! I'm so glad you pursued this. I'm sorry I will not be able to attend, but I will be with you folks in my heart and thoughts.

Mayor Lurie Calendar said...

thanks, pike, for encouraging me to challenge the MUMC rules about when and for whom to lower OUR rainbow flag!