Thursday, November 10, 2005

National Journal: NYT's Calame's "Pseudo-Blog"

Barney Calame
Public Editor
The New York Times

Dear Mr. Calame:

In case you don't read the National Journal's Blogometer on a regular basis and missed today's round-up, I'm sending an item related to your job at the Times:

>Michael Petrelis asks why New York Times public editor Byron Calame ran nothing on his pseudo-blog for 2 weeks, then posted an insubstantial reader e-mail about Alzheimer's and art therapy: "Surely there are other readers bringing issues of concern to Calame's attention, issues he could address either in his print column or through his web journal. Why the minimal output, Barney?"

Interesting that the Blogometer labels your web journal a pseudo-blog. They must also notice how infrequently you post to your page on the Times' site.

Any chance you can become more active with your web journal, maybe even posting something once or twice a day, instead of once every two weeks?

Michael Petrelis

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