Thursday, February 09, 2017

KPIX: #TrumpNever Pinata & 9th Circuit Decision

If nothing else, my hope is that the images of my pinata and the words TRUMP and KKK and SEXIST are irritating the White House, especially adviser Steve Bannon.

One lesson I'd like to share with emerging activists eager to resist Trump and creatively attract mainstream and social media, is this.

A single individual with a good prop, easy to read text, a fun attitude and punchy comments to make about Fake President 45, can feed two birds with one seed.

Got to where you know the cameras will be looking for great visuals, give them want they crave, even if you're the only citizen acting up.

Here is the excerpt of yours truly using the pinata to send a visual message and I also demand Bannon and his puppet respect the rule of law and respect judges. Pointed out that Trump's sister is a sitting jurist.

This story reported by Melissa Caen aired on KPIX in San Francisco on Feb 9, 2017:

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