
Friday, November 11, 2016

Hugging One of My 7,675 Voters 

The first words out of my handsome neighbor and friend John's mouth tonight, when we saw each other on Valencia Street tonight, were "I voted for you!" Music to my queer ears.

He was with friends commiserating over the coming Trump Presidency, waiting for a table at Pauline's Pizzeria. I joined in their discussion and felt better after hearing their concerns and worries.

Sure felt good being told they appreciated my civic engagement both on the 16th Street BART Plazas and running for the board of directors.

John was one of a few pals I engaged with on my walkabout on this fine warm San Francisco evening, sharing the news that my latest vote total is now at 7,675 and 7.04% of ballots cast. Nice numbers!

I'm glad to have had a four-hour nap this afternoon and caught up on much-needed sleep. It certainly helped to workout at the Embarcadero YMCA yesterday and connect with my circle of buddies there.

Many thanks again to all who voted for me or supported my BART campaign. More voting figures in coming days as the Department of Elections continues to process and count over 100,000 provisional ballots.

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