
Monday, August 15, 2016

BREAKING NEWS: BART Candidate Drops Out

Word came today that Lisa Feldstein, the woman who received the blessing of incumbent BART board director for District 9 Tom Radulovich to succeed him, won't be running for the seat in November.

She never pulled papers at the San Francisco Department of Elections and she spoke with local blog today stating she couldn't compete with the name recognition and money-raising prowess of Bevan Dufty.

He and I are the only candidates, as of this writing, vying for the BART seat and the deadline to file papers for the race is this Wednesday, August 17, at 5 pm. We'll see if anyone else enters the race.

My home-printed signs are starting to go up in a few windows, including over at Box Dog Bikes where I snapped a photo of my friend Angus after he put sign on display.

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