Lead Paint From Private Murals Closes SF Mission Park
I've received a substantive response from the Recreation and Parks Department about the closure of a park in the Mission, after asking the City questions about the closing and reasons behind it. Glad to have this info and share it with folks. Here is the email in full:
Hi Mr. Petrelis,
Apologies for any confusion you may have experienced. 24th and York mini Park has been closed due to an initial complaint from a patron regarding peeling paint falling into the park from some of the ageing murals surrounding the park.
Karen Yu from the Department of Health assessed the situation and found traces of lead present in the paint and on the ground. As soon as this was reported to me I closed the park until further information was apparent or until the situation could be addressed.
The issue is complicated in that the murals surrounding the park are in fact on private property. Additionally as artworks the murals have some protection and artists have had to be contacted.
Karen Yu has been sorting through these difficulties and I believe has indeed contacted most if not all affected parties and artists. I am expecting notice from DPH that they are ready to have the work begin but I have not heard definitively from DPH at this time.
I hope this explains the current situation, please let me know if you have further questions.
Thank You,
Adrian Field
Park Services Manager
San Francisco Recreation and Parks Dept.
Park Service Area 6
Mission and Bernal Heights Neighborhoods
Thanks! This park closure has been bugging me enough that I finally Googled it, and now your blog post satisfies my curiosity.