
Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Will Campos Release His Maximus Monster Condo Emails?

It is never too early to file a sunshine complaint. Follow my email trail regarding obtaining public records from Campos -- his emails with or about the Maximus Partners development firm. He needs a heaping of pressure about the changing Mission district, which is why I'm calling his b.s. that he won't attend the March 4th meeting organized by Maxiumus because the company erred by putting his name on a flyer as a cosponsor. Small potatoes and no excuse for Campos and his City Hall staff to get themselves to the meeting, just to hear what the public has to say. Staying away will equal cowardice on Campos' part.

Let's see if I hear from Team Campos by the close of biz today:

Me to Campos, email Feb. 23 at 11:26 am:

"This is an immediate disclosure request for copies of all emails sent or received by you or anyone in your City Hall office related in any manner to Maximus Partners, their monster condo proposal for 16th and Mission Streets, anyone at Maximus Real Estate Partners or employed by them including the two lobbyists you met with in 2014.

"My request is for public records from January 1, 2014, through February 23, 2015.

"If you have any questions, shoot them over to me via email. Please confirm receipt of this IDR by the close of business today."

When I didn't hear from Team Campos by noon today, this complaint was lodged:

"Sunshine Ordinance Task Force
City Hall

"I wish to file a complaint against Supervisor David Campos for failure to comply with the law governing immediate disclosure requests, which mandates that he respond within 24-hours to such a request. The law states:

"When does the City have to respond to my public records request?
"The City has ten days to respond to a public records request. If you request records that are voluminous, in off-site storage or several different offices have the records, the time to respond to the request can be extended by 14 days. Citizens may also make an "Immediate Disclosure Request." Departments must respond to Immediate Disclosure requests within 24 hours after receipt of the request. However, departments can, in appropriate cases, extend the time to respond by 14 days.
"As you see in the email below, which was sent to Campos and several of his staffers more than 24-hours ago, I requested public records from them. Unfortunately, Campos and his aides have failed to acknowledge receipt of my request.Therefore, in my opinion, they have violated the Sunshine Ordinance and I request a full investigation by the SOTF."

Here is the response from Victor Young, the administrator of the SOTF:

"I am in receipt of your complaint against Supervisor David Campos.   However, please be aware that Supervisor Campos has until the end of business today to respond to your request. I will process your complaint tomorrow morning." 

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