In May 2011, nutty Russian gay egomaniac Nikolai Alexeyev brought U.S. gay military veteran Dan Choi to Moscow for a Pride March that resulted in violence by homophobes and arrests by Russian police.
Alexeyev has come under withering criticism in recent weeks for his latest round of erratic Facebook and Twitter meltdowns, in which he's again displayed horrific hatred of individual Jewish gays and Jews in general. As is his custom, he dismisses the proof from his social media accounts that he's anti-Semitic.
I tweeted with Choi about Alexeyev's well-documented anti-Semitism and he disagrees with the evidence, while also standing by the Russian advocate. Just how much hatred of Jews must be presented to Choi and other defenders of Alexeyev before they find the courage to condemn his anti-Semitic beliefs?
Here's my exchange with Choi:
If Alekseev's comments are not anti-Semitism I don't know what is. I think it is sickening how some LGBT "community leaders" continue to act as his apologists.