
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

NAPWA's Web Site Melting Down?

The National Association of People With AIDS continues its downward spiral.

Every page on their malfunctioning web site is riddled with mumbo-jumbo code talk. There's no message from anyone at NAPWA explaining the problem and when it might be solved.

I hear that practically everyone at the organization has lawyered up for coming unspecified legal troubles. If there's any good news to be had from NAPWA, it's not made its way to my in-box.

Let me also kvetch about a totally offensive choice on NAPWA's part, speaking as a person with AIDS living with poz face and other lipodystrophy changes in my body. There web site is full of stock images of models. They are not PWAs.

Is it asking too much of NAPWA to show actual people living with AIDS and across the spectrum of the stages of the syndrome?

Just one more lousy example of how unconnected NAPWA is and has been for years to the PWA community. It's been an astro-turf organization sucking up millions of dollars from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, serving as the phoney-baloney face of PWAs.

NAPWA's collapse and demise, which may have already occurred behind closed doors and with zero transparency, should not be mourned. Seeing it go out of business would be the first step in creating a better entity that is more than a front-group for the CDC and Big Pharma.

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