
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Zapping SF's Sheriff at Court:
'Resign, Ross, Resign!'

(Your humble blogger answering reporters' questions at the Hall of Justice, January 26. Credit: Luke A. Thomas, Fog City Journal.)

Ross Mirkarimi, San Francisco's recently sworn-in sheriff who's facing three misdemeanor charges related to an act of alleged domestic abuse with his wife, was in Superior Court before Judge Susan Breall on Thursday requesting amendments to the restraining order preventing him from having contact with his young son.

Breall rejected Mirkarimi's wish to have supervised contact with the child and his case suffered no delays, even with a new defense attorney hired by Mirkarimi just the day before the hearing.

I showed up with a "Resign, Ross, Resign!" poster and shouted at the sheriff as he entered and exited the court room. "Do the city a favor, Ross! Resign!" echoed off the marble walls, as I sent a message from my lips to the sheriff's ears.

My basic view of this case is that Eliana Lopez, Mirkarimi's wife, has told a lot of truth about her mistreatment at the hands of her husband, the same goes for former girlfriends stepping forward now, and that there are powerful political forces that don't like the new sheriff and a whole lot of folks who want to see him brought down.

However, I don't for a moment believe that district attorney George Gascon would press three serious charges in a matter that he certainly knows will attract intense scrutiny and demands to produce evidence that can sway a San Francisco jury, if he didn't have rock-solid proof backing up the charges.

I stand with the women's and anti domestic violence groups and leaders who have called on Mirkarimi to resign.

1 comment:

  1. We can debate the merits of the domestic violence charges, but what we know for sure is this: Ross Mirkarimi crusaded against gun ownership while himself keeping three guns at home. And he's the Sheriff.
