
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Folsom Fair Pix:
Objectifying the Male of the Species

At exactly 1:23 PM today, it was the worst of Folsom Fairs with dank humidity from the brief rain shower rising from the pavement and putrid charcoal grills spewing fumes and lighter fluid vapors hanging overhead and no wind blowing. I was on my bike and outta there for a few hours away from the madness.

But when the young man with the best calves of the fair, male division, followed my orders to show off his calf muscles, at 4:47 PM, it became the best of fairs for me. The air was clear, except for the sexuality and exhibitionism vibes so thick and hard you wanted to get on your knees and suck it. Ah, the pursuit of happiness on the public street.

Kudos and hosannas to Demetri Moshoyannis, executive director of Folsom Street Events which produces this and the Dore Alley Fair, for a job well done with an experienced terrific staff and board of directors, and throngs of volunteers also well deserving of applause.

Very smart of them to recognize today, due to the inclement morning weather, was not a day for business as usual in terms of when to shut the fair down. Usually, at 6 PM on the dot, not only is the music turned off but those throngs of volunteers blow loud whistles to announce they're coming through with large broom to sweep up the trash (plastic and paper litter, not human ).

The obnoxious pounding "music" thankfully ended by 6 PM, but the crowd was allowed to hang and mingle till a bit past 6:30 PM, giving us all chance to linger over this year's truly beautiful and fun fair. Shout-out to all my old friend who said hello, and all you fellas who made Folsom so fab!

Here are a few pix to enjoy. Click to enlarge.

Furry Muscle Guys on Parade

Tongue Sucking in the Sun

Into Cop Uniforms and the Men Who Wear Them?

Mostly Smooth Dudes

Tattooed Hunk in Black Cap

Stunning Butt Poetry