
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

SF Queer Health Clinic Lyon/Martin
Closes on Thursday?

dear friends,

let's put this email in the larger context of gay inc here in SF. last year, the new leaf mental health agency closed, after decades in business. also last year, the board of SF pride lost several board members and the ED had to step down, after massive failures in executive and board leadership. the SF gay community center is transforming into a for-profit business model and far, far away from its original mission cooked up by a-gays and an east bay living aids executive. the fraying of gay inc and service agencies continues in SF and there will be no town hall meetings to discuss the troubles. it is gay inc business as usual. -michael

-----Original Message-----
From: tommi avicolli mecca
Sent: Tue, Jan 25, 2011 11:41 am
Subject: did you know

that the board of Lyon/Martin is planning to close the place on Thursday? This is a facebook message I just got...want to spread the word, this is a tragedy for poor folks, queers, etc.

Jackson BowmanJanuary 25, 2011 at 9:39am
People met in front of Lyon-Martin between 8:30 and 9:00 because we were told the board was meeting with staff at 8:30. The board didn't show and are instead meeting with just the Medical Director at 10:00.
Look for more soon about an organized protest, but in the meantime here is the name and cell number of the board director. Pass it to as many community members, advocates, organizers and providers as you can and tell them to start calling.

Lauren Winter 510-390-xxxx

Important things to mention:
- the services that Lyon-Martin provides are absolutely essential to the health and well-being of trans, gender-queer, queer, lesbian, immigrant, and un-insured people.
- the board is making this decision against the wishes of the staff and in dis-regard of the needs of the patients.

Lets show the board that our community can NOT go without this clinic!


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