
Monday, November 22, 2010

Kameny: 'Any Response from Brian Bond'
on WH Medal of Freedom?

Trailblazing gay icon Frank Kameny emailed me today, regarding my post last week about the White House leaving him off this year's honorees who will receive the Medal of Freedom from President Obama. He asked a basic question about the White House's gay liaison, Brian Bond, and if he replied to my concerns about why Frank would not be receiving the honor.

Of course, I wished I could have written back to him with a great answer about a dialogue with Bond about the medal for Frank, but since Bond is not one to publicly engage on a regular basis with gay bloggers, I've not heard a peep from him. What possible excuse could Bond have for remaining silent?

Thank goodness Frank is not one to hold his tongue, and in my reply to him I again expressed gratitude to him for his decades of self-less and ceaseless advocacy on behalf of gay Americans. Here is his note from this morning:

My thanks and appreciation for your intervention on this and for your complimentary commentary.

Did you receive any response from Brian Bond? If so, what?

At risk of being repetitive of things which you already know: On June 10, pursuant to a unanimous DC City Council vote, our Mayor conducted a formal ceremony officially and permanently renaming a section of 17th Street, near Dupont Circle: Frank Kameny Way, NW.

The ceremony was well attended by locals and by City and Federal officials, including (at my invitation) Brian Bond. It included ceremonial unveiling of Frank Kameny Way street signs.

So, tourists to Washington can visit the Washington Monument, the Lincoln and Jefferson Memorials, Madison and Adams Drives -- and Frank Kameny Way.

Separately I will be sending you an announcement of an award that I will be receiving on December 10, at the Capitol complex.

Nice to know Frank will be honored on that day, which is Human Rights Day around the world and also the day when the Nobel Peace Prize is awarded, provided the winner is not languishing in a Chinese jail. However, I consider it a mark of shame on the Obama administration that Frank will not be honored with the Medal of Freedom this year.

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