
Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Gay WaPo Pundit Capehart

Falls for Fake Congressman

Check this out, for a few laughs, at the expense of a gay political writer, Jonathan Capehart. From the New York Observer:

Jonathan Capehart is an editorial writer for the Washington Post, an MSNBC contributor and a seemingly smart, nice guy. If he is indeed a nice guy, he will probably have to just grin and bear it for a few days after a somewhat ill-conceived blog post made Monday night. In an entry in WaPo's "PostPartisan" weblog, Capehart led with the following:

"Why have the wars cost so much under Obama?" tweeted @RepJackKimble (R-Calif.) at 7:40am on Sept. 2. "Check the budgets, Bush fought 2 wars w/o costing taxpayers a dime." This stunning bit of fiscal ignorance earned him a tart barnyard expletive from @MWJ1231.

Capehart didn't realize that Kimble's ignorance is "stunning" because "Jack Kimble" is a joke Twitter account. A pretty obvious joke at that:

This story is also being reported on over at the Huffington Post.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Another fine example of how the MSM puppets prove day in and out how their superior journalism educations, access to professional resources, and corporate empires' quality controls are continuously out-performing the insignificant blogosphere-based wanna-bes! Anybody ever heard of editorial staff doing source vetting pre-publication? I must be confused...
