
Monday, November 24, 2008

Lorri Jean, Prop 8 Leader, Paid $277,299;
Gave $2,100 to No on 8

Probably the most complacent No on Prop 8 leader was Lorri Jean. She earned this distinction with her month-long vacation to Alaska during the battle to retain gay marriage in California.

Being the leader of the LA gay community center and getting paid $277,299 to tell all the little followers what to do while she rests for an entire month, is hard work. I guess the homos in LA think she deserves every penny of that salary because Jean is just such a fabulous leader.

The public information officer of the LA center today shared with me the latest IRS 990 filing for this organization. Why did he have to email it to me? Because Lorri Jean and crew are not committed to transparency. They do not post their IRS 990 filings on their extensive site, nor do they inform people how to request the filings from the info director of the center.

Click here to read the 46-page 2007 tax filing of the Lorri Jean organization. You'll find the top salaried positions on pages 21-23.

Ms. Jean surely is making comparable money this year, heck, she could afford a month off and out-of-state, so she certainly has the mean to make donations to political causes she believes in.

But what is one to make of her complacency with coughing up some dough for the No on 8 effort. She waited until less than a month before the election to give serious money to stop Prop 8.

Oh, what a great leader we have in Lorri Jean. I wish she would do the movement a favor, resign from any paid leadership position and spend all her free time in Alaska. Maybe she could talk strategy with another loser, Gov. Sarah Palin.

I'd rather be led by the first dozen gays and lesbians coming out of any bar or AA meeting in Fresno or Modesto than the likes of Lorri Jean, Geoff Kors, Kate Kendell, Elizabeth Birch and Joe Solmonese.

Contributor nameLorri L. Jean
CityLos Angeles
State or countryCA
Payment typeMonetary
Transaction date10/8/2008
Committee nameNo On 8, Equality For All

Contributor nameLorri L. Jean
CityLos Angeles
State or countryCA
Payment typeMonetary
Transaction date9/15/2008
Committee nameNo On 8, Equality For All


  1. Anonymous2:54 PM

    I worked at the LA Center in 1994-95, and Lorri Jean was the head honcho back then too. She's been there about 15 years.

    It's time for her to go.

  2. First a disclosure; I am a member of the Board of Directors of the LA Gay and Lesbian Center. While I completely admit that I have a bias, it's because I probably know more than folks monday morning qtrbacking that played little or no active part in the campaign, because they thought it was a done deal. If anyone was listening, we, led by Lorri L Jean, were begging our community to not take anything for granted. I was not part of the campaign itself but I was certainly aware of how hard Lorri and others worked for the defeat of Prop 8. Without pointing fingers at anyone, this campaign hired the best professional campaign firms in the business. You make it sound like if Lorri or some other individual wasn't somewhere you wanted them to be every moment that the campaign stopped in it's tracks. Even Barack took off time during his campaign.
    I have been involved in this community for 40 years and continue to observe horizontal violence directed at our own and not directed to the real targets.
    And as for Lorri's salary, what do you know about operating the largest LGBT social service organization in the world with a $50,000,000 budget? As a major donor, the last thing I want is someone who is not up to managing this amazing organization. We tried less and paid a terrible price before. People... keep your eye on the prize, step up and help us achieve the equality we so deserve. Passionately, Rose Greene, CFP
    PS. How about coming to see what we do at the Center before you make foolish comments?

  3. "Horizontal violence" ? What praytell is that? Eveidently any cricism of the MASSIVE FAILURE of the No on 8 campaign is an act of violence.
