
Friday, August 24, 2007

Updates on Pegah, Iranian Lesbian Seeking Asylum in the UK

I have two updates to share regarding Pegah and her quest to not be returned to the Islamic Republic of Iran. The first is from Pegah's support network in the UK, and the second updates comes from the Pink News service.

The third message is a note from Peter Tatchell summing up his call for caution in reading the news that the Italians may grant Pegah asylum.
A big thank you to all who've cared enough to contact the British authorities on Pegah's behalf and everyone who's blogged about her plight and raised much-needed awareness, not just for her, but for all LGBT Iranians.
The update from Pegah's support team:

Update on Pegah

Pegah now has some excellent legal representation. She has a very able solicitor and her barrister comes from the chambers of one of the leading human rights and civil liberties advocates in the UK. We believe Pegah now has the best legal team we could hope for.

Representations will be made by her lawyers and her MP, Richard Caborn to the Border and Immigration Agency on Tuesday 28th August.

We are very grateful for the huge upsurge of support for Pegah from around the world. Many, many thanks to you all. Pegah's situation is still very precarious so please keep up the good work.

Friends of Pegah Campaign
Sheffield, UK
This is an excerpt from the UK's Pink News story. Click here to read the full article:
A spokesperson for Italian government has confirmed that they will grant ayslum to a lesbian woman due to be deported from the UK to Iran.

Pegah Emambakhsh is currently being detained by British officials and she is scheduled for repatriation on Tuesday.

Her sexual orientation and her past life in Iran may lead to her being executed.

Even if she is not sentenced to death, she is likely to be prosecuted and tortured by Iran's religious officials.

Punishment for sexual intercourse among lesbians in Iran is 100 lashes and in case of recidivity, execution.

Italian equal opportunties minister Barbara Pollastrini has Italy's prime minister Romano Prodi's support over granting asylum to Emambakhsh, a ministry spokesman told news website Adnkronos International (AKI). [...]

And in response to the claims made in the Pink News story today, OutRage! spokesman and organizer Peter Tatchell sends word of approaching this news with deep caution:

Pegah - Italian asylum

I am very secptical about claims that the Italian government will / may give Pegah asylum. It might be true but I would urge extreme caution.

First, how could the Italian govermnet make such a decision? Have they seen Pegah's asylum claim and evidence? Not as far as I know. If not, how can they make such a decision, in accordance with Italian asylum law and procedures?

Second, UK law and practice stipulates that "failed" asylum claimants are deported to their home countries. There are no provisions for removal (voluntary or otherwise) to a third country like Italy.

An exception may be possible at the discretion of the Home Office Minister. But I have never heard of it.

Best wishes and solidarity! Peter

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Perhaps an emergency appeal to Canada may work. They tend to be accepting of glbt people. I suggest Canada since one of the official lanaguages there is English and obviously she would not have language difficulties if she moved there.
