There's really not much more to add to what Kosner says about Sen. Clinton, is there? Her dervish ways of operating and sort of taking positions on hot-button issues, that please no one and Kosner's calling her on it.
With so much spinning and twisting from Clinton, and her supporters, including the Human Rights Campaign, the gay wing of the DNC, I feel like I've been on an amusement park Tilt-a-Whirl ride trying to figure out her stance on gay marriage.
From Monday's Blog-O-Meter column, published by the National Journal's web site:
CLINTON: Triangulator-In-Chief
Longtime gay rights activist and San Francisco resident Michael Petrelis takes Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY) to task for not articulating a position on gay marriage while "in San Francisco, of all American cities." Petrelis quips: "This ain't leadership in my book. And speaking of books, I looked up 'triangulating wimp' in the dictionary and your name and photo were what I found."
Conservatives were also closely monitoring HRC's reaction to NY's gay marriage ruling. Right Angle Blog quotes an HRC spokesperson: "Senator Clinton supports full equality for people in committed relationships, including health insurance, life insurance and pensions, and hospital visitation and believes we have to keep working to reach those goals." RAB then comments: "Not exactly the Gettysburg Address of gay rights. Did she condemn the decision? Or does she support it? She could have been talking about anybody in a 'committed relationship,' including elderly heterosexual couples or Chelsea and her latest boyfriend."
Ed Kosner at lefty hang out The Huffington Post thinks trust is HRC's biggest liability: "Brains and focus aren't Hillary problem. For all her fervent admirers, there's so much twitchy calculation in her run for the Presidency that many, many people feel she simply can't be trusted. One moment, she's backing ridiculous legislation to ban non-existent flag-burning - a Bush lollypop for conservatives. The next, she's hiring a lefty blogger. ... Triangulation or cognitive dissonance? It hardly matters. ... To succeed...Hillary Clinton will have to stop being a dervish, find a groove - and stay in it."
Love the picture!