
Thursday, June 15, 2006

MAD Skewers Daily Show, Stewart & The Iraq War

That usual gang of idiots over at MAD magazine have managed to put out their latest issue, which arrived in the mail today, and it's full of goofy liberal political skewering of a diverse group of people in the news. From Dubya and Cheney, to Hillary and Pelosi, and even Jon Stewart (!), no one is safe from the wicked barbs of MAD's cartoonists and writers.

MAD makes available online in PDF only the cover image and three pages from the actual print version, and this month one of the PDF pages includes this poke in the ribs directed at the Daily Show and host Jon Stewart:

(Click once on the image and you'll see the PDF version. Click again, and the image expands large enough to read the text.)

The July MAD also has a great two-page spread, Comparing the War in Iraq to Previous Wars, which is not posted on the web, so I've typed the text that accompanies some excellent satirical images.

The intro:

"Someone one said 'History repeats itself.' And this is certainly true. We just repeated what they said, thereby proving their point. Ironic, eh? It's also been said that 'Those who do not learn from history are bound to repeat it'! Remember that, we won't be telling it to you again! Our point is this: we're out of cliches about history, so why don't you just go ahead and read the following article. And if you find yourself re-reading it in the future, don't be surprised!"

The text of the comparisons, which carry much more political weight when viewed with the cartoons:

"Troops in WWI were defended by foxholes ... Troops in Iraq are defended by Fox News."

"During the Revolutionary War, a young woman named Molly became famous for her pitcher ... During the Iraq War, a dumb woman named Lynndie [England] became famous for her pictures."

"The Korean War was caused by post-WWII instability ... The war in Iraq was caused by post-9/11 gullibility."

"During Vietnam, drafter-dodgers abruptly fled the country ... During Iraq, draft-dodgers corruptly led the country."

"In WWII, the liberation of Paris caused songs and revelry ... In Iraq, the liberation of Baghdad caused bombs and rivalry."

"During WWII, the Reich blamed their problems on the Jews ... During Iraq, the right blames their problems on the news."

"A great image of the Revolutionary War is of Washington on a boat, courageously crossing the Delaware ... A grating image of the Iraq War is of Bush on a boat, outrageously lost and unaware."

"During the Gulf War, the Patriot missile was used to repel our enemies ... During the Iraq war, the Patriot Act is used to repeal our liberties."

So, what are you waiting for? Rush out now and buy the latest MAD magazine at your local newsstand!

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