
Tuesday, April 04, 2006

("My girls take after me in many ways.")

Richmond Times: Bush Twins Drank Wine Before Race

From an article that appeared in the Richmond Times on April 4:

First twins Barbara and Jenna Bush ran the Ukrop's Monument Avenue 10K Saturday morning after dining in the Fan the night before.

The folks at Joe's Inn knew something was up when a man called to make a reservation for Friday night. The circumstances were special, said the man: "We have a bodyguard." [...]

The younger Hager's presence at Joe's wasn't confirmed, but the Bushes' party of six -- the 24-year-old twins and four young men -- arrived at 8 p.m.

Miles said the Secret Service told her the twins' escorts were from the University of Richmond.

Miles had promised no one would take pictures, but that wasn't a problem. "Nobody recognized them," she said. "We didn't recognize them.

"One of our customers did say, "I think that's President Bush's daughters. I said, 'No way.'"

The anonymity ended when the twins ordered wine [...]

Some people say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, and in the case of the Bush twins, the adage holds very true. They're just like their father -- avoiding military service while our country's at war and hitting the bottle. Something tells me Jenna and Barbara Bush may make fine GOP politicians some day.

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