
Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Dubya's Porn Producer Pal Gave to GOP...and DNC!

I was tipped off to this story by fellow homosexual Hellenic activist John Aravosis and his site, AmericanBlog.

Joseph Farah, an extreme right-wing leader and writer for the WorldNetDaily site, complains today about a straight porn producer and his star who will meet with President Bush and his chief political strategist next week.

Farah writes:

"Last week, Carl Forti, communications director for the National Republican Congressional Committee, explained to WND that self-described pornographer Mark Kulkis and his date, porn star Mary Carey, will be attending the two-day event, 'The 2005 President's Dinner and Salute to Freedom,' next Monday and Tuesday because their money is just as good as anyone else's.

"'They've paid their money,' he said. 'No matter what they do, the money is going to go to help elect Republicans to the House.'" (Source: WND )

Mr. Kulkis has given the family values-friendly folks at the RNC $500 this year, showing to a small degree the GOP accepts porn as good for the American family. Why else would the RNC have cashed the checks from Mr. Kulkis if they don't approve of his profession?

But Mr. Kulkis is one porn producer who is obviously bi-partisan and how knows to work both sides of the political aisle.

He gave the Democratic National Committee $300 last year, and like their GOP counterparts, the DNC cashed the check.

Nice to know both major political parties happily accept money from good ol' American porn makers.

My only problem with Mr. Kulkis' political largesse, speaking as a registered Green Party voter, is that he has yet to write out a check to my party!


Kulkis, Mark J Mr.
10/12/2004 $300.00
Los Angeles, CA 90039
Kick Ass Pictures/Producer -[Contribution]

Kulkis, Mark Mr.
1/26/2005 $250.00
Los Angeles, CA 90023
Kick Ass Pictures Inc./President -[Contribution]
Kulkis, Mark Mr.
2/25/2005 $250.00
Los Angeles, CA 90023
Kick Ass Pictures Inc./President -[Contribution]

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