Ed Jew: Time to Resign!
I went to City Hall this afternoon to deliver a message to beleagured Supervisor Ed Jew: it's time for you to resign from the Board of Supes. As a member of the City Operations and Neighborhood Services committee, Jew was supposed to be present at the meeting today, scheduled to start at 1:00 pm.
When I arrived at his office, a good dozen-plus reporters and cameramen were staked outside, waiting for him to emerge. Longtime queer housing transgender activist Robert Haaland came along and he kindly consented to snap these two shots of me mingling with the media. Thanks Robert!
As Jew came out of his office, with a sheriff's deputy clearing a path for him through the press thicket, I shouted, "Do San Francisco a favor and resign!"
Well after the official start time of the committee meeting, it was gaveled to order. Supervisor Michela Alioto-Pier quickly moved the agenda to an item that I can't recall right now, but one that required her to allow for public comment.
Holding my sign chest-level, I took a few moments of public comment time to again ask Jew to do San Francisco a favor and resign from the Board. Alioto-Pier immediately reminded me my remarks were out of order, so I stopped talking and stepped away from the microphone.
Why did I do all this? Because Jew, by remaining on the Board and unable to prove District 4 residency, makes an outrageous mockery of the electoral process and simple basic democratic values.
Sure, he is innocent of all pending civil and criminal charges until proved guilty or the charges dismissed, but his unwillingness and inability to prove not only District 4 residency but San Francisco residency is a charade that must end.
Ed Jew: Resign!
here here!!!
And once he goes, can we throw Newsom after him? Alas, we might get worse. The Postmodernist Queer Nation of San Francisco vying for most out-of-touch (albeit beautiful) city in the world. Maybe, someone from Esalen Institute, with a CIIS doctorate in Transformative Studies, with kink.com credentials. But no pot-smoking on public streets, no open alcoholic containers (our mayor is rehabbing with Haggard and Foley), and HRC is contracting with El Salvidor to import cheap labor for its tee-shirt contest.
Yes, Oz is wonderful, but I wish the Antie Em's would call home their Queer Dorothy's who give GLBT a bad name and unfair reputation. The Wizard in the White House and Pretty Boy in City Hall, and we'll still municipalize the means of production in the People's Republic of Queerdom. No Safeway. No Walgreens. No Bechtel. But plenty of "public service" attorney fighting for illegal aliens to take over the City, with Angela's complete assistance (her chainlink fence of the Palace of Fine Arts adds so much character to the Barbary Coast, no?)
What happens when we are all dependents with no adults?
Tell Ed Jew to RESIGN!!!
This Wednesday- 9:30 AM
Hall of Justice
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