Wednesday, July 27, 2005

State Department Statement on Iran's Killing of Gays

The following statement was read to me over the telephone this afternoon by Mr. Edgar Vasquez, spokesman for the State Department. It's a shame the U.S. State Department didn't address the homosexual aspects of the killings last week in Iran, but I remain convinced pressure must still be applied to persuade the department to condemn Iran's executions of two gay teens. Mr. Vasquez can be reached at: (202) 647-2492.

"We remain concerned about Iran's judicial process. Defendants are not receiving due process of law, and trials lack procedural safeguards.

"As noted in our country reports on human rights practices, the judge and the prosecutor are the same person, trials are frequently held in closed sessions without access to a lawyer and the right of appeal is not often honored.

"We call upon the government of Iran to vigorously pursue prison reform, cooperate with international investigations of human rights cases and respect international human rights law and practice."

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