Monday, August 30, 2004

Date: 8/30/04 2:57:28 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From: (Publiceditor MailBox)

Dear Mr. Petrelis,

I applaud you for examining campaign contributions because it is
difficult and complicated work. But I want to let you know that none of
the folks you mention is an editorial staff member.

One person listed, Karen Sorenson, is a freelance writer who who writes
a weekly column purchased by the newspaper.
She is not an employee.

Another person listed, Tom Whitehouse, is an employee of The Oregonian,
but with the Human Resources Department for the newspaper, not the
editorial staff.

The rest of the people are either contractors with the advertising
department (the editorial staff produces no auto section) or the
circulation department. They have nothing to do with the editorial

The editorial staff of The Oregonian has guidelines that speak to
involvement in political campaigns. Those guidelines are clear: News
employees should vigorously avoid public displays of political
partisanship. They should not contribute to political campaigns or
causes or participate in public demonstrations of support or opposition
to political causes or candidates.

Please let me know if you need additional information.

Michael Arrieta-Walden

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