SF Gay Supe Holding Castro
Forums on Prop 8 Loss
Forums on Prop 8 Loss
Can you believe San Francisco Supervisor Bevan Dufty has created a miracle and there will soon be public gatherings of the gay tribe in his district to discuss the problems with the No on 8 effort, while simultaneously working together for full marraige equality? Read his invitation sent out today for the upcoming meetings he's organized:
Dear Friends and Constituents,
I am pleased to announce I will hold two town halls in my historic Castro district on February 30 and 31 to continue the community-wide conversation begun more than nine weeks ago about the sad passage of Prop 8.
As the political and spiritual heir to our hero Harvey Milk, who led us to victory with the defeat of the Briggs Initiative/Prop 6 in the 1970s, I know it is time for me to lead by following the winning strategy Harvey laid down for us -- visibility and accountability.
That is why I've partnered with my friends at Equality California, the National Center for Lesbian Rights, the Alice B. Toklas Democratic Club, the LGBT Community Center, the Gay Men's Community Initiative, And Marriage For All, and the Human Rights Campaign for these exciting meetings next month.
Many of you know I've been quoted in the SF Chronicle voicing constructive criticism of the No on 8 campaign. I said "It's kind of like if the freedom riders of the '60s never left Harlem," which just begins to sum up the mistakes made during the hateful battle lead to the defeat for us on November 4.
I cannot allow the months of no community meetings about this loss and setback to continue in the Castro, Harvey's home district. Only through honest dialogue can we grow and reach our full potential as gay and lesbian citizens.
In order to make sure we learn from our past mistakes, as we chart a course to eventual victory gay marriage equality in California, and strengthen our political muscles, I've designed the Castro forums with two themes. Coming together like this will bridge our internal differences, heal the wounds of non-accountability and make us stronger.
The first forum is all about the No on 8 campaign and its engagement of the gay community. On the panel will be our longtime leaders Kate Kendell, Geoff Kors, Marty Rouse and Andrea Shorter. There will be forty-five minutes for them to make presentations, then an hour for public comments.
Our follow-up forum will focus on how we have to organize in the next few months, waiting for the California Supreme Court to render a ruling on lawsuits to overturn Prop 8. The panel and format will be decided by those who attend the first forum, so make you're there to influence our road-map to gay marriage equality and better community organizing.
Both forums will be held at the LGBT community center at 1800 Market Street, at Octavia, and are no-cost. The emcees, I am happy to report, are going to be Toni Broaddus of the Equality Federation and Donna Sachet, diva superstar.
We are all in deep pain since we lost on November 4, and there has been much finger-pointing and demands for accountability, while we've all waited for someone else to be the change we want and organize the much-needed public forums Harvey would have held within a month of losing a state ballot measure.
Let's not just worship Harvey and his life as a big-screen entertainment. Instead, join with me on February 30 and 31 to bring empowering gay community organizing back to the Castro!
Contact me at City Hall and let me know how you'll help make the two forums successful and productive.
Yours in the struggle,
(This letter originally appeared on Baron von Munchausen's news wire.)
1 comment:
Errrr...Feb 30 & 31?
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